How to Set-up Digital Marketing Objectives for your Small Business

What do you want to accomplish with your digital marketing? Consider your digital marketing objectives as your goalposts, and that everything that you are doing should be leading towards reaching these goalposts. This is one of the first questions small business owners like you should ask yourselves when you consider doing digital marketing for your… Continue reading How to Set-up Digital Marketing Objectives for your Small Business

What to Do About Facebook’s Updates on Detailed Targeting in 2022

Insights from the article: Meta reported that there will be significant changes in the ad platform’s detailed targeting parameters, removing certain interest topics that reference sensitive topics and unused topics; Ad campaigns will now be forced to pivot to more broader detailed targeting sets; Advertisers need to check their campaigns for potential changes and continue… Continue reading What to Do About Facebook’s Updates on Detailed Targeting in 2022

Digital Marketing to Get Store Visits in the Philippines

Insights from the article: Store visits are now on the rise in the Philippines and digital marketing will play a great role in influencing this; Marketers need to communicate consistently and confidently to their consumers about announcements, and maintain informative communication lines through instant replies; Introduce your store’s re-opening with an enticing promo Businesses and… Continue reading Digital Marketing to Get Store Visits in the Philippines

Expanded Search Ads Are Going. Maximize Your Responsive Search Ad Campaigns

Insights from the article: By June 2022, advertisers will no longer be able to use Expanded Search Ads for their Search Engine Marketing campaigns; The more dynamic format – Responsive Text Search Ads – will be the default and only option; Advertisers will need to restructure their campaigns to accommodate this newer format by segmenting… Continue reading Expanded Search Ads Are Going. Maximize Your Responsive Search Ad Campaigns

Digital Marketing Strategy: Performing a Social Media Audit

Insights from the article: Diagnose your current social media performance, and look into your competitors, through a social media audit; There are different metrics for looking into your performance and your competitors’, and understanding these metrics is key for a more sensible diagnosis; Doing a social media audit is a crucial step in developing your… Continue reading Digital Marketing Strategy: Performing a Social Media Audit

Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses in 2021

Insights from the article: Plan, execute, and pivot. Digital marketing strategies allow you to do digital marketing more methodically and assess your performance along the way; When it comes to considering social media for your business – just do it. If you’re not yet well versed with it, the best way to learn is to… Continue reading Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses in 2021

Social Media Analytics for Small Businesses in 2021

Insights from the article: Social media analytics is a key component in campaigns. Without analytics, you will not be able to assess our performance. There are hundreds of metrics you need to learn to become adept in social media analytics, but you’ll only need to understand a few to start analyzing your performance; Consider the… Continue reading Social Media Analytics for Small Businesses in 2021

Creating Social Media Calendars for Small Businesses

Insights from the article: Social media calendars allow you to plan your content for the long term. Planning your content lets you see overall themes and focus points, and determine which ones are working as you move forward; There are different formats to creating your own social media calendars for your small business. Consider the… Continue reading Creating Social Media Calendars for Small Businesses

Facebook Remarketing and Creating Custom Audiences

Insights from the article: Social media remarketing features allow you to control the flow of users through your different types of content; The theory is that users follow a linear flow, called a funnel, wherein you are consciously filtering people who have the highest intent to buy, and nurturing people through different types of content… Continue reading Facebook Remarketing and Creating Custom Audiences