Expanded Search Ads Are Going. Maximize Your Responsive Search Ad Campaigns

Insights from the article: By June 2022, advertisers will no longer be able to use Expanded Search Ads for their Search Engine Marketing campaigns; The more dynamic format – Responsive Text Search Ads – will be the default and only option; Advertisers will need to restructure their campaigns to accommodate this newer format by segmenting… Continue reading Expanded Search Ads Are Going. Maximize Your Responsive Search Ad Campaigns

7 Digital Marketing Resources for Small Businesses

Insights from the article: This article outlines several digital marketing resources for your small business; If you’re challenged in creating a digital marketing strategy, consider outlining what you want to achieve first. Then you will be able to plot out the different steps towards achieving your goals; Check out the end of the blog on… Continue reading 7 Digital Marketing Resources for Small Businesses

5 Signs that Your Small Business Needs Google Search Engine Ads

Insights from the article: Search Engine Marketing is a solid platform to reach your consumers who are already looking for you online; When your business operates with a website but struggling with getting traffic, you might benefit from running Search Engine Marketing ads to encourage visitors; Search Engine Marketing ads complement your other digital marketing… Continue reading 5 Signs that Your Small Business Needs Google Search Engine Ads