5 Signs that Your Small Business Needs Google Search Engine Ads

google search ads

Insights from the article:

  • Search Engine Marketing is a solid platform to reach your consumers who are already looking for you online;
  • When your business operates with a website but struggling with getting traffic, you might benefit from running Search Engine Marketing ads to encourage visitors;
  • Search Engine Marketing ads complement your other digital marketing channels well, with its specific focus on driving users to your website.

Buyers are now more intelligent. Customers do a lot of research before buying. Even when browsing items offline, more and more people would first search if they would be able to buy items online. Most search results for highly-sought after items would have Google Search Engine Marketing Ads.

Because buyers are now more empowered to make intelligent purchase decisions, search engines easily become their best tools in validating their decisions before acting on them. Search engines, especially Google, are an important buying touchpoint for customers. What does this mean for your small business?

How are you competing in getting searched in Google? Is your website appearing in search results? If you’re not, then your customers may not be able to find you at all. If you need that extra boost in website traffic from Google search results but doing SEO for your industry is competitive, then you may need Search Engine Marketing Ads.

What are Google Search Engine Marketing Ads?

When you perform a search in Google, you will find a list of results that match your query. Sometimes, you will find results that are marked as ads that appear in the first part. These are what we call Google Search Engine Ads. In fact, when you search for “Google Search Ads”, their ad appears first.


Google Search Engine Marketing Ads aims to match search queries with the most appropriate ads from advertisers. This is a good way to jumpstart your business online. By getting on top of conventional results through placing ads before them, you will get the attention of people already searching for your business and your products/services.

Tell-all Signs You Need Google Search Engine Marketing Ads

If you still are on the fence whether to use Google Search Engine Marketing Ads for your small business, then consider these 5 signs that you need these ads to thrive online.

  1. Your small business caters to a very niche market. Clients and buyers who are looking for niche products and services would be searching online to satisfy their requirements. If your small business caters to a niche market, for example, you are selling corporate giveaway products to companies or providing software development services, then it would be best for you to tap the already existing market in Google and connect with them through Google Search Engine Marketing Ads
  2. Your business name is a generic term and you don’t get a lot of people to remember your brand. Running Google Search Engine Marketing Ads for your small business with a common name is important because you will need the extra boost in visibility and ranking that these ads will do for your website. Because your business has a common brand name, you will not get searched a lot so you will need to compete with searches for your types of products and services instead.
  3. You need to complement the benefits of your Search Engine Optimization work in your website. We all want to hit the ground running, so while you are waiting for the benefits of Search Engine Optimization to take effect for your website, you can run Google Search Engine Marketing Ads to boost your website traffic and amplify the number of people you are reaching.
    If you’re interested, I have an article about how experiences propel the trends of Search Engine Optimization, here.
  4. Your products and services require a bit more of consumer education before being able to sell confidently. If you need to have a lot of online materials to attract, delight, and convert people towards your business, then you will get an advantage over your competition if you have Google Search Engine Marketing Ads effectively targeting people already searching for you. 
  5. Your products and services are complex and many, requiring different webpages to explain and showcase all of them. Having multiple landing pages in your website that talks about your different complex products and services puts you in an advantage, because it is likely that your small business will have more online content than your competitors. To improve your advantage, you can run Google Search Engine Marketing Ads and capitalize on your abundance of content to drive more high-intent people towards your business.

How do you Start with Google Search Engine Marketing Ads?

If you finally decide that you need to learn how to do Google Search Engine Ads, then starting this journey is easy. All you need to start is a Gmail account, and you can create a Google Adwords account at ads.google.com.


Simply follow the process in starting an account, and enjoy the journey of learning this amazing platform every step of the way.

Let’s Make your Digital Marketing Easier

Running Google Search Engine Ads may be more complicated than navigating your way around Facebook ads, but it’s definitely learnable. The metrics and the setup are all different, but I encourage you to spend a bit more time on it and explore your way. If you need more help, feel free to send me an email.

On a personal note, I am considering starting a masterclass group for select professionals. If you wish to learn more, contact me and I can set this up for you. Check out my About page to learn more about what I do.


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